Via San Paolo n 29, Catania
Via V. Brancati n 35, Catania
'If a child fails to learn, teach him a method
by which he can learn to learn
' (Reuven Feuerstein)
Feuerstein Method
The basic concept of the Feuerstein method is the structural cognitive modifiability, theory elaborated by Reuven Feuerstein in the 1950s and still today in continuous scientific evolution. If intelligence is a malleable entity whose plasticity extends well beyond childhood, mental activity is susceptible to modification and evolution at all ages and in all phases of its development. Feuerstein means a stable modification in time of the cognitive structure.
Final product is an autonomous cognitive functioning, that is:
• Correct orientation in space;
• Rich and complete control of language;
• Maturation of social skills;
• Ability to plan for the future.
The objective of learning are not concrete actions, but cognitive skills, that is, more than learning iment of contents, that of learning strategies.
The purpose of the individual tests is not the solution but the focus of the mental process through which the solution is reached: how did my mind reason? What strategies has it implemented? ”In the learning model proposed by Feuerstein, exposure to environmental stimuli plays an essential role, which already from the very earliest stages of development act on the organism producing changes.
The effectiveness of the stimuli extends well beyond childhood and influences learning throughout the life span as long as renewals and variations are ensured.
In addition to recognizing the importance of stimuli, Feuerstein identifies another more articulated and complex way of learning, characteristic of man: the child learns not only because he is exposed to the stimuli of the environment but also and above all because between him and the environment there is a figure, a parent, an educator, someone who takes care of him and who intervenes by carrying out a precious function of mediation. -biological and socio-cultural factors, modifying them.
The mediator, guided by intention, gives all his affective, emotional and intellectual patrimony, selects and organizes the stimuli that must reach the child, filters them and structures them. Through the mediator, the child acquires a series of learnings, behaviors, operational skills; for example, mental organization, the control of impulsiveness.